Have you ever experienced when you suddenly find yourself in a place that you had not expected, at an hour that you had not planned on a day that you had not expected doing things that you had not anticipated? That's what happened to me and my friend Violet, shortly visiting Sicily, last friday.
It was a cool summer morning (6 am, more or less) when, after sleeping a little more than one hour during the night, we decided to venture ourselves into a territory so wild as old: "Thapsos", an island near Syracuse that seen in its turbulent history the arrival of the first Greek settlers thousands of years ago and the unfolding of the First World War a few decades ago.
the land
A forgotten land that hosts in its silence ancient tombs and relics of war. An abandoned place caressed by the sea, the soil burnt by the sun ...
violet exploring a tomb
By chance in our wandering we met a dear old man who so kindly guided the exploration: "Ciccio of the island", so he calls himself, has lived his entire life on this land bathed by the sea.
He accompanied us through hidden tombs and structures belonging to the war, confiding his childhood memories: we had the opportunity to experience the history of the place through the eyes of this man, as if we could travel through the threads of time... Priceless.
our guide
After our careful exploration we salute our guide to continue alone in an area that seems straight out of a post-apocalyptical movie...
rusty stuff
violet and abandoned place (her element)
creepy on the way
still violet
close-up of a very old window
and that was the creepiest
wires, circuits, electronic boards